Adri Vinchira is a music producer, song writer and visual creator; born in Colombia, raised in Spain and based in Belgium.
Her music combines elements of electro pop and hip hop, and is always full of energetic rhythms, and colorful melodies.
Having started her musical life in mid 2000 being part of a spanish hip hop label, she turned to audiovisual creation, embracing graphic design, and sound art. She was invited to present her projects in different art venues, as Icarus Art in Toronto, Canada, Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria, Casa de Vacas in Madrid, Spain, Visualkontakt in Cluj, Romania, START in Olbia, Italy, or
L'abeille blanche in Brussels.
After that period she started being focused in electronic music, and she created a duo project, releasing an EP named "Balloon".
In 2021 she released her first solo EP "Arqueología", and currently she is working in her second solo EP.
During the last months she has been collaborating with different artists from Los Angeles, Brussels, Madrid, Amsterdam, Washington, Medellin, Montreal or Copenhagen, and presenting her music in festivals as Festival de Junio, or SOS Colombia Fest in Brussels, or being invited to radio shows as DJboutik in Radio Panik, or Bedroom Beats in BRUZZ ICE.